r_h_m: Their nighttime cage is raccoon proof.
r_h_m: We meant their outdoor cage to be just a fence with the beach umbrella roof, but the dogs were just too interested. So we added a second fence, that the dogs couldn't see through.
r_h_m: They were very small when they arrived.
r_h_m: 2018-07-01 16.54.35
r_h_m: Our first egg!
r_h_m: Some of them are brown, some are blue.
r_h_m: Hard boiled and peeled.
r_h_m: 2018-08-15 17.36.39
r_h_m: 2018-08-15 17.37.30-1
r_h_m: 2018-08-15 17.37.45-1
r_h_m: Ready to cook
r_h_m: The Smoker
r_h_m: I think they're done!
r_h_m: End of the season.
r_h_m: It's like Thanksgiving Dinner! Everything on the table came out of our garden... well, almost.
r_h_m: Quail have been domesticated for a long time.