S Downing Photography:
Watch Your Back
S Downing Photography:
Four Leafed Clovers
S Downing Photography:
Pondering What Matters
S Downing Photography:
Into a Summer Storm
S Downing Photography:
Willie and Me 1964 Edit BW
S Downing Photography:
Interruption of a Daydream BW
S Downing Photography:
Tippy Toes
S Downing Photography:
Road to Town BW
S Downing Photography:
Cloud of Dust
S Downing Photography:
In the Garden
S Downing Photography:
Slipping Away
S Downing Photography:
S Downing Photography:
Surplus Supplies
S Downing Photography:
Eagle Eye View
S Downing Photography:
S Downing Photography:
Summer Shadows
S Downing Photography:
Back Door BW
S Downing Photography:
Crosswalks and City Blocks
S Downing Photography:
Pondering What's Next
S Downing Photography:
Portland View