Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
నక్షత్రవీధి - Nakshtraveedhi
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Edge of the World
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Belt of Venus... Mirror of Bandon
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Glow of Dawn...
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Stars on a cloudy evening
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Tranquil Reflections... in an Impending Storm.
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
An Evening in Bandon
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Monday Morning Blues... :)
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Throw Back Thursday
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Pink solitude...
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Work of art...
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Mono Monday Magic...
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
In the lap of nature...
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
"The best camera is the one you have." - Chase Jharvis.
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
When the storm broke...
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
The view...
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Mirror Mirror...
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
River of fire...
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
When he painted on the sky... and I copied him. :P
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
When he painted the sky...
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
The calm... before the storm
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Godhuli bela... (Dusk)
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Simple celebrations... :)
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
The nature of art is... it imitates the art of nature.
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
He who seeks truth shall find beauty. He who seeks beauty shall find vanity.
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Make reflections while it rains... :D [Explored ]
Jyoti'S... on and off. :):
Just another cloudy day at just another beautiful place...