icemann: ProbeJect Pitch for my MOC ESB probot Lego Ideas submission
icemann: ESB Imperial Probe Droid
icemann: humbly present, my probot submission to lego ideas.
icemann: Is this the Droid you are looking for?
icemann: SideShow model was a reference for the Lego MOC ProbeJect
icemann: side30
icemann: Top View
icemann: le50 shades of grey
icemann: HeadsUp!
icemann: challenge - triangle in a square
icemann: big eye # facade
icemann: I spy with my Big eye #2
icemann: I spy with my big eye #3
icemann: too many eyes, too little space
icemann: concept study of body details
icemann: panel with grip & texture detail
icemann: vent detail
icemann: double cannisters with coloured top detail
icemann: main panel detail
icemann: god is in the details
icemann: you have to do your homework
icemann: CRazy Legwork Going on doen there
icemann: what good's a droid, if it cant fire a lego laser....