hksleeper: Table for two (Explored 8 July 2015)
hksleeper: Happy Birthday (Explored). Check out the May 16, 2015 version.
hksleeper: Am I in the way?
hksleeper: Grandma and grandson
hksleeper: Look...
hksleeper: What's over there...
hksleeper: Bubble time
hksleeper: The itch to move to the darker side.
hksleeper: Just hanging around...
hksleeper: Traffic
hksleeper: Yufuin Street
hksleeper: Colourful
hksleeper: Is life always tough?
hksleeper: Time to order...
hksleeper: Bruce is that you...
hksleeper: I caught you....
hksleeper: Christmas Fries
hksleeper: Innocence....
hksleeper: And then there were two...
hksleeper: Great Great and the young
hksleeper: Wear and tear...
hksleeper: Look past all the blur....there can only be one winner.
hksleeper: Happy Birthday
hksleeper: The resemblance is uncanny.
hksleeper: Walking on water
hksleeper: Keep going...