Lynda Mudle-Small ARPS, EFIAP.: Misty morning in the olive groves
Lynda Mudle-Small ARPS, EFIAP.: 4/52 Ideal drought-resistant Alentejo plant
Lynda Mudle-Small ARPS, EFIAP.: Ghostly sheep in a misty olive grove
Lynda Mudle-Small ARPS, EFIAP.: Fields of gold. Campos do ouro
Lynda Mudle-Small ARPS, EFIAP.: [9-52] White on white
Lynda Mudle-Small ARPS, EFIAP.: 02. Daffodils in motion
Lynda Mudle-Small ARPS, EFIAP.: From the outside, looking in.
Lynda Mudle-Small ARPS, EFIAP.: Best Photograph, Cornwall Spring Show 2015
Lynda Mudle-Small ARPS, EFIAP.: Abandoned farmhouse
Lynda Mudle-Small ARPS, EFIAP.: Poppy with corn marigolds
Lynda Mudle-Small ARPS, EFIAP.: Beauty in the woods
Lynda Mudle-Small ARPS, EFIAP.: A 'cloud' of rambling roses
Lynda Mudle-Small ARPS, EFIAP.: Beautiful raindrop
Lynda Mudle-Small ARPS, EFIAP.: Strawberry flowers