Deepthi Nannam: Glittering green
Deepthi Nannam: Green green and green
Deepthi Nannam: The journey of the way how the new flowers bud and then wither on the same stalk.
Deepthi Nannam: Ready to take off.
Deepthi Nannam: White beauty!
Deepthi Nannam: Feeding on the Gold
Deepthi Nannam: Pollen..!
Deepthi Nannam: Butterflies and blossoms
Deepthi Nannam: Butterflies and blossoms
Deepthi Nannam: Butterflies and blossoms
Deepthi Nannam: Butterflies and blossoms
Deepthi Nannam: Butterflies and blossoms
Deepthi Nannam: Butterflies and blossoms
Deepthi Nannam: Butterflies and blossoms
Deepthi Nannam: Butterflies and blossoms
Deepthi Nannam: Wild mustsrd
Deepthi Nannam: Wild mustsrd
Deepthi Nannam: Wild mustsrd
Deepthi Nannam: Wild mustsrd