^^oskar´: ...'in Mutter's Schoss' - 'in mother's lap'...
^^oskar´: winter's twilight
^^oskar´: Punktlandung - precision landing
^^oskar´: seven hay bales - late sunlight on the little creek
^^oskar´: ..the probably biggest sand pit in Bavaria.. ..der wahrscheinlich größte Sandkasten in Bayern..
^^oskar´: the essence in a dew drop
^^oskar´: ...the grass is crackling softly...
^^oskar´: UrKraft schöpfen im 'Blauen Land'
^^oskar´: ... just for the cattle...HFF !
^^oskar´: out of the split tree
^^oskar´: Flip
^^oskar´: black'n'white on the nose
^^oskar´: Jack Frost is breathing down from the sky
^^oskar´: cold twilight
^^oskar´: ...can you feel them on the tip of your nose ?...
^^oskar´: high tide 2 - not SO high
^^oskar´: instructions for the beginners
^^oskar´: bad feeling over the high tide
^^oskar´: das Leuchten der Stille - the shining of silence
^^oskar´: Eispalast
^^oskar´: 'Into the wild'...(description)
^^oskar´: close to Endor
^^oskar´: Traumfänger - dreamcatcher
^^oskar´: 🎈HAPPINESS is what is reaching the heart and is warming the soul ⭐⭐⭐ A very HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my flickr-friends !!!
^^oskar´: Frohe und friedliche Weihnachten für Euch alle !! ⭐ A merry and peaceful Christmas time for you all !! ⭐ Joyeux et paisible Noël pour vous tous !! ⭐ Tranquilo y feliz Navidad para usted !!
^^oskar´: Sonnenuntergang über dem Gardasee - Il tramonto sul Lago di Garda
^^oskar´: Raumteiler - space divider
^^oskar´: jelly bubbles 1.0
^^oskar´: firestix
^^oskar´: green feet