TJC1973: Hmmm, shall I go out like this tonight?
TJC1973: I look like the devil when I first wake up!
TJC1973: It was the start of a mischievious day!
TJC1973: Come on Stace, get up!
TJC1973: Guinness
TJC1973: Waterfall
TJC1973: Under the Waterfall
TJC1973: Indoor Waterfall
TJC1973: The Black Stuff
TJC1973: There's Poetry in a Pint of Guinness
TJC1973: The Girlies
TJC1973: Maturation - Time Ripens all things!
TJC1973: Stacey's first ever taste of Guinness. Cheers!
TJC1973: What do you think? Not too impressed eh?
TJC1973: Guinness Memorabilia
TJC1973: The Guinness Harp
TJC1973: Tasha & Nix
TJC1973: This was the view from the Gravity Bar in Dublin.
TJC1973: The Dublin Tour 08
TJC1973: Nouska
TJC1973: Tasha
TJC1973: Nix & Noo
TJC1973: Stacey
TJC1973: Nix & Noo
TJC1973: Tasha & Stacey
TJC1973: So, who's pint is it?
TJC1973: Cheeky grin Nou
TJC1973: Sisters!
TJC1973: The Halloween Party