na_photographs: Ancient sextant (1735)
na_photographs: Cologne underground: 2000 years old Roman sewer (which also served as bunker in World War II)
na_photographs: Old castle's door
na_photographs: Ulm Minster (with 161,53 meters tallest church tower in the world)
na_photographs: Shoes over street
na_photographs: Paris Métro entrance
na_photographs: Ancient globe
na_photographs: Astronomical instrument
na_photographs: Flying machine of the Tailor of Ulm
na_photographs: Political advertisement
na_photographs: Former German chancellor Konrad Adenauer's telephones
na_photographs: Medieval castle Burg Eltz (Germany)
na_photographs: Dresden: Fürstenzug - Procession of Princes
na_photographs: Rider in the sky
na_photographs: Reaching out for the sky
na_photographs: When the saints go marching in
na_photographs: Dresden sunset
na_photographs: Wooden typewriter
na_photographs: The mystery of the Last Supper
na_photographs: Roman glass sculptures
na_photographs: New York City 1991
na_photographs: Roman sculpture (2nd or 3rd century)
na_photographs: Amphora in an amphora
na_photographs: Floor mosaic in Cologne Cathedral
na_photographs: Cologne Cathedral entrance
na_photographs: New York City 1991
na_photographs: Berlin: Checkpoint Charlie
na_photographs: Berlin: Checkpoint Charlie