Nostalgic Teresa: Mountain top Farm in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Phenomenal views across Lesotho Mountains from Mountain Farm
Nostalgic Teresa: Mountain top Farm in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Stunning view across the mountains in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Stunning view across the mountains in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Soil Erosion in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Soil Erosion in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Local farmer in Lesotho Highlands Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Much Needed water durimg UN Agriculture Project in Lesotho
Nostalgic Teresa: Double Decker Bus in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Double Decker Bus in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Even the children are experts at carrying large sacks of grain on their heads - Lesotho - Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Lesotho Women carrying maize
Nostalgic Teresa: Lesotho Woman carrying maize
Nostalgic Teresa: Young Lesotho Girl carrying grain
Nostalgic Teresa: Mountain top Farm in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Mountain top Farm in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Mountain top Farm in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Mountain top Farm in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Mountain top Farm in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Mountain top Farm in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Mountain top Farm in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Grandmother holding Pastor John Mokoena's baby
Nostalgic Teresa: Grandmother holding Pastor John Mokoena's baby
Nostalgic Teresa: Lesotho Zero Tillage Project - the maize was covered in red dye - very difficult to get off!
Nostalgic Teresa: About to start work on the Zero Tillage Project in Lesotho
Nostalgic Teresa: Mountain top Farm in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Mountain top Farm in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: Stunning view across the mountains in Lesotho Africa
Nostalgic Teresa: The Highest Toilet in Lesotho Africa with the Faringdon Fair Trade "Bag for Life"