Nostalgic Teresa:
The Highest Toilet in Lesotho Africa with the Faringdon Fair Trade "Bag for Life"
Nostalgic Teresa:
The Highest Toilet in Lesotho Africa with the Faringdon Fair Trade "Bag for Life"
Nostalgic Teresa:
The Highest Toilet in Lesotho Africa with the Faringdon Fair Trade "Bag for Life"
Nostalgic Teresa:
Lesotho Zero Tillage Project - the maize was covered in red dye - very difficult to get off!
Nostalgic Teresa:
Terry with the local Pastor John Mokoena in Lesotho with the Faringdon Fair Trade "Bag for Life" after we had planted the Maize
Nostalgic Teresa:
How many seeds per hole?
Nostalgic Teresa:
Backbreaking stuff!
Nostalgic Teresa:
Pete the project leader with the precious maize seeds provided by the UN in the Faringdon Fair Trade "Bag for Life"
Nostalgic Teresa:
Pete the project leader with the precious maize seeds provided by the UN in the Faringdon Fair Trade "Bag for Life"
Nostalgic Teresa:
Holes all dug and manured - now time to hand out the maize seeds
Nostalgic Teresa:
The Faringdon Fair Trade "Bag for Life" with the UN Project Leader Pete
Nostalgic Teresa:
Pete the project leader with the precious maize seeds provided by the UN in the Faringdon Fair Trade "Bag for Life"
Nostalgic Teresa:
Well that's the first lot of holes done!!!!
Nostalgic Teresa:
Putting Animal Poo (Fertiliser) in the holes
Nostalgic Teresa:
Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to work we go
Nostalgic Teresa:
Hi Hoe Hi Hoe it's off to work we go!!!
Nostalgic Teresa:
Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to work we go
Nostalgic Teresa:
Hi Hoe Hi Hoe it's off to work we go!
Nostalgic Teresa:
Well it's a sort of straight line!
Nostalgic Teresa:
Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to work we go
Nostalgic Teresa:
The Volunteers get their instructions before digging lots of holes
Nostalgic Teresa:
The Volunteers get their instructions before digging lots of holes
Nostalgic Teresa:
The local Pastor John Mokoena and the UN Project Leader Pete discuss strategy
Nostalgic Teresa:
Caught Red Handed - from the Dye on the Maize Seeds
Nostalgic Teresa:
Caught Red Handed from the Dye on the Maize Seeds
Nostalgic Teresa:
Caught Red Handed from the dye on the Maize seeds
Nostalgic Teresa:
Putting the Maize seeds into the Faringdon Fair Trade "Bag for Life"
Nostalgic Teresa:
Volunteers about to start work on a Lesotho Zero Tillage Project
Nostalgic Teresa:
I needed that!
Nostalgic Teresa:
The highest loo in Lesotho Africa with the Faringdon Fair Trade "Bag for Life"