Deep Wood Press:
The Mad Angler's Manifesto by Mike Delp
Deep Wood Press:
If, by Rudyard Kipling
Deep Wood Press:
Digging, by Seamus Heaney
Deep Wood Press:
Center Spread, "The Path"
Deep Wood Press:
title page for "The Path"
Deep Wood Press:
"The Path" by Sigrid Christiansen
Deep Wood Press:
plate for Trout in Winter
Deep Wood Press:
Checking the proof for The Trout In Winter
Deep Wood Press:
Mortised type
Deep Wood Press:
The Trout In Winter
Deep Wood Press:
The Trout In Winter
Deep Wood Press:
Drop cap wood engraving
Deep Wood Press:
page spread from "The Intruder"
Deep Wood Press:
The Intruder, by Robert Traver
Deep Wood Press:
title page for "The Intruder"
Deep Wood Press:
If, Rudyard Kippling
Deep Wood Press:
Winter Walks regular edition
Deep Wood Press:
Winter Walks deluxe edition
Deep Wood Press:
The Path to the Beach cover
Deep Wood Press:
The Path to the Beach, a page spread
Deep Wood Press:
Along With Youth, Ernest Hemingway
Deep Wood Press:
Heart of Darkness
Deep Wood Press:
The Chesapeake Voyages of Captain John Smith
Deep Wood Press:
spine detail
Deep Wood Press:
The Chesapeake Voyages of Captain John Smith
Deep Wood Press:
presentation binding for the Smith book
Deep Wood Press:
Spine and slipcase detail
Deep Wood Press:
The Chesapeake Voyages of Captain John Smith title page
Deep Wood Press:
b/w map from the John Smith book
Deep Wood Press:
Color map from the John Smith book