iancook95: Ring Necked Duck (m.)
iancook95: Tufted Duck (m.)
iancook95: Little Grebe.
iancook95: Little Grebe.
iancook95: Ring Necked Duck (m.)
iancook95: Little Grebe.
iancook95: Ducking Duck.
iancook95: Little Grebe.
iancook95: Say "Aaaah"
iancook95: Smew (f.)
iancook95: Isn't she lovely?
iancook95: Spin Drier.
iancook95: Show a leg.
iancook95: Little Grebe.
iancook95: Worm Catcher.
iancook95: Mr & Mrs Widgeon.
iancook95: "Could you say that again? - I'm a wee bit mutton jeff"
iancook95: Curlew
iancook95: Chopsticks.
iancook95: Smew (f)
iancook95: Great Crested Grebe.
iancook95: Golden Eye (male)
iancook95: Goldeneye showing off.
iancook95: Smew (f.)
iancook95: In Deep.
iancook95: "How about this pose?"
iancook95: Coot.
iancook95: Goldeneye.
iancook95: Listen - do you want to know a secret?
iancook95: Tufted Duck (f.)