Ashok_Goyal: 37 Arsenal Street Eastbound Stop (HK March 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: Scene From a Walkway (HK March 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: Hong Kong Rainy Afternoon
Ashok_Goyal: Aging Flowers-2011205
Ashok_Goyal: Epping - Sea of Leaves -2011586
Ashok_Goyal: Viola in C41-2011263
Ashok_Goyal: Cactus Study in Perceptol-2011268
Ashok_Goyal: Viola in C41-2011255
Ashok_Goyal: A Room With A View (HK April 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: Escher's escalator at Mid Levels Hong Kong (HK March 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: Rectangles or Shades of Grey (HK April 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: Lucky Bamboo (Still Life at Home)
Ashok_Goyal: Tram on Johnston Road (HK April 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: St.Johns Building (HK May 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: Hotel Lounge Still Life (HK May 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: Catching Up (HK May 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: Rounded Rectangles of St.Johns Building (HK May 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: Waiting (HK May 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: Bicester Village (II)
Ashok_Goyal: A Geometric Perspective (HK May 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: Silver Pigeons (Still Life at Home)
Ashok_Goyal: Sunday Reading (Still Life at Home)
Ashok_Goyal: Inside Lippo (HK May 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: The Pawn (HK May 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: Coast to Coast (HK April 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: Mmmm Nice ! (HK May 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: Triangles (HK April 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: Walkway to Central (HK March 2011)
Ashok_Goyal: Viola in C41-2011262