Hereward71: Dreaming.....of mice ;)
Hereward71: Marmalade watching the birds
Hereward71: Soft focus test on colour
Hereward71: Ring flash test
Hereward71: Marmalade the Kitten
Hereward71: And then I did my lion impression and the mouse just fell over!
Hereward71: Macro Salem
Hereward71: Someone murdered the mouse?
Hereward71: Wallace
Hereward71: Tinker
Hereward71: preverbial cat who got the cream
Hereward71: Layer duplicate with blur.
Hereward71: Girvan
Hereward71: Oysang Norway
Hereward71: Girvan harbour enterance light
Hereward71: Sunset West Coast of Scotland
Hereward71: Newmills
Hereward71: Free climbers in the gorge at Newmills
Hereward71: Bohka test
Hereward71: Praktica BC1 electronic
Hereward71: Light Trails
Hereward71: Light Trails