nathanfrechen: 17-makin' the firewood
nathanfrechen: 18-roughing it
nathanfrechen: 19-Louis Lamour and single malt
nathanfrechen: 24-more trees down
nathanfrechen: 20-Metolius River
nathanfrechen: 21-Connecting doubletrack roads
nathanfrechen: 22-clearing trail
nathanfrechen: 23-not the first idiot to try this route
nathanfrechen: 26-right alongside the Metolius
nathanfrechen: 25-too big for the handsaw
nathanfrechen: 27-hiking trail pops out onto doubletrack
nathanfrechen: 28-doubletrack turns to dirt road
nathanfrechen: 29-Osprey
nathanfrechen: 30-multiple osprey nests
nathanfrechen: 2017-04-30_06-13-16
nathanfrechen: 32-looking back on Lake Billy Chinook
nathanfrechen: 33-Hoodoos
nathanfrechen: 34-cool road, but ends in gate
nathanfrechen: 35-cool road that ends in a gate
nathanfrechen: 36-headed back to Sisters
nathanfrechen: 38-Sisters in the distance
nathanfrechen: 37-rocks and clouds
nathanfrechen: 39-almost back to town
nathanfrechen: 12-headed down 1490 to Metolius River