Blythe Quake: Amalia Loves Her Hair Peacocks!
Blythe Quake: Amalia's Peacock's #2
Blythe Quake: The Girl with Butterflies in Her Hair
Blythe Quake: Gaye's Goal for a Guinness Record
Blythe Quake: Amalia: Caught by the Paparazzi!
Blythe Quake: Amalia Falls Even More in Love...with Her Hairdos
Blythe Quake: The Girl with a Panther on Her Head
Blythe Quake: Amalia's Holiday Season Hair Revelation
Blythe Quake: "My Hairdo Can Be A Light Unto the World!"
Blythe Quake: Amalia's Gift to You
Blythe Quake: Amalia and Gaye Take a Break
Blythe Quake: Flashback: Amalia and Gaye: What Envy Can Do
Blythe Quake: Amalia: Cheering Up
Blythe Quake: Amalia: 'Glitter and Hum'
Blythe Quake: Gaye: Holiday Hair
Blythe Quake: Gaye and Amalia: Breaking News!