seahawkgfx: Salinas de Fuencaliente
seahawkgfx: Monarch butterfly
seahawkgfx: Caldera de Taburiente
seahawkgfx: Routa de los Volcanes
seahawkgfx: Dos Aquas
seahawkgfx: Gonepteryx palmae - brimstone Butterfly - La Palma Zitronenfalter
seahawkgfx: Southern Brown Argus - Südlicher Sonnenröschen-Bläuling - Aricia cramera
seahawkgfx: Grasshopper in the mountains
seahawkgfx: Iberian Marsh Frog
seahawkgfx: Rainbow at sunrise
seahawkgfx: Sea and Salt
seahawkgfx: Osteospermum
seahawkgfx: Trusting Butterfly
seahawkgfx: Real Santuario Insular de Nuestra Señora de las Nieves
seahawkgfx: Line of blue flowers
seahawkgfx: Following the water canal
seahawkgfx: The volcano trail
seahawkgfx: A beautiful start of the day
seahawkgfx: African Grass Blue
seahawkgfx: At the end of the day, when the tourists are gone