Phajus: Detail from Chancel window, St.Michaels, Brent Knoll.
Phajus: Madonna and child Jesus. St.Michaels, Brent Knoll.
Phajus: Chancel North window, St.Michaels, Brent Knoll.
Phajus: Chancel South window, St.Michaels, Brent Knoll.
Phajus: Symbols of the four Evangelists, Detail from the Baptistry window, St Michael's Brent Knoll
Phajus: Baptistry window, St.Michaels, Brent knoll.
Phajus: Angel panels from North window, North Aisle. St.Marys, Stogumber.
Phajus: Angel panel from East Window, Stogumber.
Phajus: East Window, St.Mary's, Stogumber
Phajus: Heraldic shields, East window, St.Michaels, Milverton.
Phajus: Angel panels, East Window, Milverton.
Phajus: Symbols of the four Evangelists.
Phajus: Heraldic shields, North window, All Saints, Selworthy.
Phajus: Small angel windows, above East window, south aisle, All Saints Selworthy
Phajus: The crucifixion, detail from East window, St.Georges, Bicknoller
Phajus: Lamb of God, detail from East window, St.Georges Bicknoller
Phajus: Adam and Eve, detail from East window.St.Georges Bicknoller.
Phajus: Angel holding a banner with latin inscription. All Saints, Selworthy.
Phajus: An angel holding plans for a church
Phajus: St. Anne and the child Mary.
Phajus: Christian symbols
Phajus: West Window St.Andrews, Curry Rivel.
Phajus: Panel 2 from south facing window St.Mary's Nettlecombe.
Phajus: Panel from South facing window, St.Mary's, Nettlecombe.
Phajus: East window, South aisle, St.John, Cutcombe.
Phajus: St.John and St.Mary, East window, North aisle, St.John, Cutcombe.
Phajus: Butterflies, St.Mary the Virgin, East Brent
Phajus: Chancel south window. St.Mary the Virgin, East Brent
Phajus: East Window, St.Mary the Virgin, East Brent.
Phajus: Symbols of the Evangelists