Phajus: St.Mary's Church, Stogumber, Somerset.
Phajus: St.George's church, Bicknoller, Somerset
Phajus: St.Andrews, Curry Rivel, Somerset
Phajus: St.John's church, Cutcombe, Somerset.
Phajus: St.Mary the Virgin, East Brent
Phajus: St.Edwards Church, Goathurst, Somerset
Phajus: St.Andrews, Stogursey, Somerset.
Phajus: St.Giles, Hawkridge.Somerset.
Phajus: Holy Ghost Church, Crowcombe, Somerset.
Phajus: St.Mary's Church Cannington, Somerset.
Phajus: St.James the Great. Winscombe, Somerset.
Phajus: St.Mary's Church, Stogumber, Somerset.
Phajus: St.Brendan Church, Brendon, North Devon.
Phajus: St.Mary's Church, Payhembury, Devon
Phajus: St.James the Great, Talaton, Devon.
Phajus: St.Andrews Church, Brympton D'Evercy, Somerset.
Phajus: St.Lawrence, Priddy.Somerset.
Phajus: St.Mary Magdalene, Chewton Mendip, Somerset.
Phajus: The Blessed Virgin Mary, Nempnett Thrubwell, Somerset.
Phajus: St.Mary the Virgin, Nettlecombe, Somerset.
Phajus: St.John The Baptist, 13th. century church,Tolland, Somerset.
Phajus: St.Martin of Tours, Elworthy, Somerset.
Phajus: St.Mary, Moorlinch, Somerset.
Phajus: St.James the Great, Talaton, Devon
Phajus: St.John the Baptist, Axbridge, Somerset.
Phajus: Dunkery Beacon from church doorway Selworthy.
Phajus: 12th.century Church of St.Michael and All Angels, Somerton, Somerset
Phajus: All Saints church, Selworthy, Somerset.
Phajus: St.Peter and St.Paul, Churchstanton, Somerset.
Phajus: Close view of grotesque heads, All Saints, Lullington, Somerset.