Gwendolyne Finney: Yes, it is you for always and ever...
Gwendolyne Finney: Weird and beautiful alike
Gwendolyne Finney: Viper Isles Heaven
Gwendolyne Finney: Utterly strange and definitely beautiful - Viper Isles
Gwendolyne Finney: Underneath the three giants - Viper Isles
Gwendolyne Finney: Uh oh... what did we get ourselves into now
Gwendolyne Finney: This is nice and cosy.... and hot!
Gwendolyne Finney: This cannot be heaven, surely... - Viper Isles
Gwendolyne Finney: the peaceful place - Viper Isles
Gwendolyne Finney: The guards of Hell
Gwendolyne Finney: Quite nice sitting here - Viper Isles
Gwendolyne Finney: Oh, remember how that first night was, after that first bite...
Gwendolyne Finney: My handsome Johnny taking it all in - Viper Isles
Gwendolyne Finney: Mesmerizing Viper Isles
Gwendolyne Finney: Look at all those colours! - Viper Isles
Gwendolyne Finney: Just one minute, Johnny, it is still a long trip
Gwendolyne Finney: Gwen at Viper Isles - Heaven
Gwendolyne Finney: Don't cross that bridge without me!
Gwendolyne Finney: And suddenly the Mistress turns out the one in adulation for her lover
Gwendolyne Finney: A minute of doing nothing but just being there - Viper Isles
Gwendolyne Finney: ...Human eyes, that's it! That's what we missss....