Gwendolyne Finney: Wild goose on Black Atoll
Gwendolyne Finney: Who lives at Black Atoll - that is the question
Gwendolyne Finney: What are you looking at little Robin - Black Atoll
Gwendolyne Finney: The lighthouse at Black Atoll
Gwendolyne Finney: Lovely afternoon at Black Atoll
Gwendolyne Finney: Lighthouse at Black Atoll
Gwendolyne Finney: Fisherboat at Black Atoll
Gwendolyne Finney: Entrance of Black Atoll
Gwendolyne Finney: Cosy spot at Black Atoll
Gwendolyne Finney: Black Atoll
Gwendolyne Finney: Black Atoll beach
Gwendolyne Finney: Ain't he cute - Black Atoll