Gwendolyne Finney: Night time fishing
Gwendolyne Finney: Fishing trip II
Gwendolyne Finney: Lovely sailing weather
Gwendolyne Finney: Where are we going....
Gwendolyne Finney: Sailing together
Gwendolyne Finney: At sea... no idea where
Gwendolyne Finney: Floating through a midnight sky
Gwendolyne Finney: Bandit 60 by night
Gwendolyne Finney: On Johnny's Dutch barge
Gwendolyne Finney: Johnny and Gwen sailing again
Gwendolyne Finney: Sailing at Blake Sea at night
Gwendolyne Finney: Sunset at Blake Sea
Gwendolyne Finney: Palain with new texture and new coloured sails
Gwendolyne Finney: Lovely days at sea with Johnny
Gwendolyne Finney: Gwen with her Captain's Launch
Gwendolyne Finney: No, I don't want to swim near Siren's Isle. Who knows how many aves piss in the water here!
Gwendolyne Finney: The new Skutsje sails like a train
Gwendolyne Finney: Skutsje with its sails lowered
Gwendolyne Finney: Johnny is so happy with his new present for our 16th SL wedding anniversary 09092023
Gwendolyne Finney: Johnny is in his element test sailing the new Skutsje