vpking: Post Rock & Abel Cedillo
vpking: Joe Crispin & Journey To Run
vpking: Rare Integrity leads Bolt Up in the 2nd race at GGF
vpking: Rare Integrity wins the 2nd race at GGF
vpking: William Antongeorgi & Rare Integrity
vpking: Gratzie leads Zip N Bayou & Charming Starlet to win the 3rd race at GGF
vpking: They're off and running in the 4th race at GGF
vpking: Constant Craving leads Everybody Does It in the 4th race at GGF
vpking: Everybody Does It holds off Dumont to win the 4th race at GGF
vpking: Dumont & William Antongeorgi
vpking: Loma Cat holds off If Ur Not Early to win the 5th race at GGF
vpking: Irving Orozco & Loma Cat
vpking: Cartoonist wins the 6th race at GGF
vpking: Abel Cedillo & Awesome Silver
vpking: Juan Hernandez & New Karma
vpking: William Antongeorgi & Cartoonist
vpking: Jury edges Weirdhaircut Seth to win the 7th race at GGF
vpking: Frank Alvarado & Jury
vpking: Pepper Crown
vpking: Street Lad leads Eagle Screams in the 8th race at GGF
vpking: Eagle Screams lead Pepper Crown in the stretch
vpking: Pepper Crown gets up to win the 8th race at GGF
vpking: Juan Hernandez & Pepper Crown