vpking: I Will Follow leads Noble Hawk in the 2nd race at GGF
vpking: I Will Follow & Russell Baze win race 2 at GGF
vpking: Astra Star wins race 3 at GGF
vpking: Astra Star & Central Casting battle in the stretch in race 3 at GGF
vpking: Astra Star & William Antongeorgi
vpking: William Antongeorgi
vpking: West Coast Wheelie & P Club race down the stretch in the 4th race at GGF
vpking: P Club wins the 4th race at GGF
vpking: P Club & Juan Hernandez
vpking: Chaotic Behavior wins race 5 at GGF
vpking: Chaotic Behavior & Russell Baze
vpking: Mucho Macho Dan pulls away to win the 6th race at GGF
vpking: Mucho Macho Dan & Ricardo Gonzalez
vpking: Outside Nashville leads No Silent in the 7th race at GGF
vpking: Outside Nashville wins the Lost in the Fog Stakes at GGF
vpking: Outside Nashville & Ricardo Gonzalez