cactfyl: Sun Spot
cactfyl: Crescent Shadow
cactfyl: Decked Out
cactfyl: Seed Soup
cactfyl: Banksia
cactfyl: Kissed By A Morning Glory
cactfyl: Opening To Sunshine
cactfyl: Botanical Crayons
cactfyl: 'Lashes To Die For
cactfyl: Erotica
cactfyl: To Be A Bee
cactfyl: Lunch Buffet
cactfyl: Inside
cactfyl: Red Flair
cactfyl: New Beginnings
cactfyl: Stapelia erectiflora
cactfyl: Winter's Spring
cactfyl: Pretty In Pink
cactfyl: Salvia 'Pozo Blue' (S. clevelandii x unknown) Lamiaceae-Mint family
cactfyl: Echinocereus pentalopus
cactfyl: Echinocereus scheerii var. obscurensis
cactfyl: Begonia aff. grisea
cactfyl: Dorotheanthus maughanii
cactfyl: Kleinia grantii
cactfyl: Sedum lucidum