chromatophobe: dog panic
chromatophobe: lions on alert
chromatophobe: elephant
chromatophobe: sadie and penguins
chromatophobe: sadie and the lion
chromatophobe: self-portrait
chromatophobe: casting shadows, never doubts
chromatophobe: caterpillar on walnut
chromatophobe: lion eye
chromatophobe: goose head
chromatophobe: stalker
chromatophobe: i would probably eat a lot less if it required this much effort
chromatophobe: llamas are fan whores
chromatophobe: the first baby goose of the season
chromatophobe: gull in natural habitat
chromatophobe: goats are evil
chromatophobe: jelly bean eater
chromatophobe: can you come up with different names for forty ducks in ten minutes?
chromatophobe: where the leaf ends
chromatophobe: bee n' bokeh
chromatophobe: you want it all but you can't have it
chromatophobe: i posted this photo so josh could hate it
chromatophobe: i like taking pictures of geese
chromatophobe: gull in flight
chromatophobe: special event
chromatophobe: lion yawning