Immunoblythe: New house new dolls
Immunoblythe: My name is Minah
Immunoblythe: perfect hair
Immunoblythe: The nice part about
Immunoblythe: Some family stared at me for the whole 20min that I was taking doll pics.
Immunoblythe: Ready for sunshine!
Immunoblythe: Sunshine gal :)
Immunoblythe: Love love love the 70s???
Immunoblythe: DSC06292
Immunoblythe: Thanks Jlo for bringing tape into our wardrobe.
Immunoblythe: Taped up one of Barbie's trousers and made it pantsuit.
Immunoblythe: DSC00414
Immunoblythe: DSC00408
Immunoblythe: DSC00400