H*a*s*r*i*e*l: bridges
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: DSC_0082_3_4
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: Walk the plank
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: star crossed
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: falling down
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: London 70's 2
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: London 70's 3
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: Bridge 2
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: Hammersmith bridge
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: walkway
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: Wobbly?
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: I didn't cut the head off mickey !I did bury him up to his neck in sand !
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: bridge 1
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: bridge 2
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: bridge 3
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: old fashionned
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: DSC_2854_5_6
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: The tower
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: My bridge
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: mybridge2
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: DSC_4235_6_7
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: goodbye
H*a*s*r*i*e*l: panoramic london skyline#-3