curlytoppoodle: The gift box waiting to be opened!
curlytoppoodle: Box of Goodies!
curlytoppoodle: Checking out the gifts!
curlytoppoodle: Trying to find the food!
curlytoppoodle: It's a squeaky!!!
curlytoppoodle: It's mine, no mine!
curlytoppoodle: Would you hurry up and choose...
curlytoppoodle: Would you give it to me already!!
curlytoppoodle: Two tennis balls, she died and went to Heaven!
curlytoppoodle: Jasmine likes the ducky!!
curlytoppoodle: Her purple ball!
curlytoppoodle: Stealing Blueberry's ball!!
curlytoppoodle: Her yellow ball!
curlytoppoodle: She stole the other ball also!
curlytoppoodle: Happy Poodles!
curlytoppoodle: Getiing to know her tennis ball!!
curlytoppoodle: Sneaking off with the lamb!
curlytoppoodle: Chauncey tests the ducky for squeakiness!
curlytoppoodle: Trying out the ducky!