Eddy.G.: DSCF7448
Eddy.G.: "P.4 Go Somewhere really touristy and take non-touristy pictures."
Eddy.G.: "P.4 Go Somewhere really touristy and take non-touristy pictures."
Eddy.G.: "P.4 Go Somewhere really touristy and take non-touristy pictures."
Eddy.G.: P.6: Tell a joke with a single picture
Eddy.G.: P.6: Tell a joke with a single picture
Eddy.G.: P.9 Take a beautiful picture of something ugly
Eddy.G.: P.9 Take a beautiful picture of something ugly
Eddy.G.: P.8 Take an Ugly picture of something beautiful
Eddy.G.: P.10 take a political photograph of nature
Eddy.G.: P.10 take a political photograph of nature
Eddy.G.: P.15 show beauty in the banal
Eddy.G.: P.12 how are you feeling? Communicate this with light
Eddy.G.: P.12 how are you feeling? Communicate this with light