Travis Mackey Photography: NS 174 crossing over the Cumberland River
Travis Mackey Photography: NS 275 at Keno Cut
Travis Mackey Photography: NS 174 at Keno Cut
Travis Mackey Photography: NS 132 at Keno Cut
Travis Mackey Photography: NS 56D at 174.5 milepost
Travis Mackey Photography: NS 179 at Keno Cut
Travis Mackey Photography: NS 940 at Shelton Cut
Travis Mackey Photography: NS 179 in Stearns
Travis Mackey Photography: NS 123 in Stearns
Travis Mackey Photography: NS 132 in Pine Knot with a UP leader
Travis Mackey Photography: NS 179 in Oneida
Travis Mackey Photography: NS 147 at Tunnel 24
Travis Mackey Photography: NS 147 in Oakdale
Travis Mackey Photography: NS 132 at Tunnel 25
Travis Mackey Photography: NS 147 at the Southern Depot in Spring City
Travis Mackey Photography: NS 285 crossing over the Tennesee River at CP Tenbridge
Travis Mackey Photography: NS 54G at Tenbridge
Travis Mackey Photography: NS 54G at Tenbridge