Starshyne09: Birkenstock Store
Starshyne09: Fanta Cherry
Starshyne09: Fanta Vanilla
Starshyne09: Missouri Playground
Starshyne09: Missouri playground
Starshyne09: Missouri welcome center
Starshyne09: At the Missouri Welcome Center
Starshyne09: Pumping oil
Starshyne09: hi from Tennessee
Starshyne09: The Civil War in Tennessee
Starshyne09: Smoke break
Starshyne09: Yeah....
Starshyne09: Tennessee Visitor's center
Starshyne09: My cousin's wedding
Starshyne09: The walk down the asile
Starshyne09: Bride and Groom
Starshyne09: Kiss the bride
Starshyne09: Sexy and I know it
Starshyne09: Cutting of the cake
Starshyne09: the cake
Starshyne09: Feeding each other the cake
Starshyne09: Toasty
Starshyne09: Brother and sisters
Starshyne09: No time for relaxation!
Starshyne09: Press this button
Starshyne09: Mississippi
Starshyne09: The Lake in Arkansas
Starshyne09: At the Lake Villiage welcome center in Arkansas