Starshyne09: Uncle Remus Golden Book from 1980
Starshyne09: "We sure ketched you dis time, Brer Rabbit"
Starshyne09: That's what Uncle Remus Said...
Starshyne09: Dat Bear Family is round an fat ez a dish of butter balls...
Starshyne09: I see you got him ketched here in your trap!
Starshyne09: You ain't de strongest, I is!
Starshyne09: The Taffy Pull
Starshyne09: "but please, please don't fling me in dat brier-patch!"
Starshyne09: What in de name of goodness is de matter wid you?
Starshyne09: Brer Bear was really sure dose Bull-frogs is makin' fun of him
Starshyne09: Unless we gets this moon outta this pond, we ain't goin' ter have to fish fer dinner!
Starshyne09: Why the cricket family lives in the chimney
Starshyne09: Back of the book
Starshyne09: they run out they ruinet house in the woods
Starshyne09: "Dat brier-patch is de place wher I wuz born!"