trialbyfiregames: 1.50 figures
trialbyfiregames: Had them mix up the ethnicity of the platoon.
trialbyfiregames: I call this one...bucky...
trialbyfiregames: 3.50 undead
trialbyfiregames: Gave little direction to them as well. I like the ghosty look to them...rather than all bloody from which most zombies are typically painted.
trialbyfiregames: 1.50 cowboys
trialbyfiregames: Again, gave little direction, just basic colors I wanted. I'm very please with this lot at those prices...
trialbyfiregames: Warmachine widow makers. 4.50 each. They charge a bit more for Warmachine figures.
trialbyfiregames: Gave little direction. Just basic colors I wanted and they did the rest. Might touch up the guns a bit...or just leave them as is...
trialbyfiregames: Love that blend color effect
trialbyfiregames: Warmachine doomreavers. Also 4.50 each. Probably my least fav from my entire lot...but I still like them a lot....
trialbyfiregames: Greylord Ternion coats
trialbyfiregames: Greylord Ternions, 4.50 each like all other warmachine figures.