karenkillebrew: Yaquina Bay Lighthouse, Newport
karenkillebrew: Bay Front mural, Newport
karenkillebrew: Yaquina Head Lighthouse, north of Newport
karenkillebrew: Three Capes Loop, near Pacific City
karenkillebrew: Three Capes Loop
karenkillebrew: Misty morning
karenkillebrew: near Tillamook
karenkillebrew: Astoria Column - you can go to the top
karenkillebrew: view from the Astoria Column
karenkillebrew: Astoria column up close - it tells the story of the settling of the northwest
karenkillebrew: Keely pushes off
karenkillebrew: Snow fun
karenkillebrew: Phil taste tests the cranberry gravy
karenkillebrew: Tamara asks Noralee's help in choosing the right pan
karenkillebrew: Follow that ball
karenkillebrew: Mason carves
karenkillebrew: Evelyn's the center of attention for Cassie, Jim & Alison
karenkillebrew: Cousin Michael
karenkillebrew: Tamara's traditional Banana "Salad"
karenkillebrew: Colorful appetizer
karenkillebrew: Cassie's Potato Gratin (with home grown potatoes, yum!)
karenkillebrew: Alison's Green Bean Casserole
karenkillebrew: Cranberry Sauce
karenkillebrew: Steve enjoys the conversation
karenkillebrew: Alison and Evelyn
karenkillebrew: Evelyn bundled up for the cold