emmdee: The main school building
emmdee: The main face of the school, seen from Park Place
emmdee: The school entrance yard, through the gate
emmdee: DSCN5089
emmdee: The old Bristol Waldorf School
emmdee: The old Bristol Waldorf School
emmdee: DSCN5095
emmdee: Tympanum
emmdee: DSCN5096
emmdee: big sticker - anyone got a before?
emmdee: Exit?
emmdee: Entrance?
emmdee: The old Bristol Waldorf School, the garden
emmdee: This was a wooded garden!
emmdee: DSCN5097
emmdee: The back of the cathedral
emmdee: Where the Bishop's house was
emmdee: DSCN5104
emmdee: DSCN5105
emmdee: Whats it like from inside?
emmdee: DSCN5100
emmdee: The path from the garden to the school...