L1bby Smith: A photo a week "Industry"
L1bby Smith: Life of Luxury
L1bby Smith: Stripes........
L1bby Smith: In Just a Jiffy It'll Be Black and White........
L1bby Smith: What is it....
L1bby Smith: Clocks "Tic Toc Time"
L1bby Smith: Still life......
L1bby Smith: The Water Tank........
L1bby Smith: Fencing Is A Great Sport But You Must Be Wary Of Who You Take On As An Opponent .......
L1bby Smith: Family........
L1bby Smith: Tilly roadside.......
L1bby Smith: Transition from Film to SD card.............
L1bby Smith: Upside Down Reflection........
L1bby Smith: Pumpkin
L1bby Smith: Upside Down
L1bby Smith: Future Harvest
L1bby Smith: Layers Of Liquorice And Gold
L1bby Smith: A Portrait Of A Chook
L1bby Smith: Football Aussie rules.....
L1bby Smith: Costumes- Lego style
L1bby Smith: Almost Black and White
L1bby Smith: Outside My Window
L1bby Smith: A tree the beginning.........From a small acorn a mighty oak tree grows.
L1bby Smith: Owl.............
L1bby Smith: Embarrassing
L1bby Smith: Mmmmm Bacon..........
L1bby Smith: Tombstones and Graves
L1bby Smith: Me? Crazy?..........
L1bby Smith: Boarded Up, It Has To Be Haunted............
L1bby Smith: Because Just Joey is a Star in My Garden........ Sunglasses