repackrider: Rainbow
repackrider: Sunset
repackrider: A shaft of sunlight through the clouds lights the valley.
repackrider: Font's point. The tiny speck is a person.
repackrider: Badlands stretch away from Font's Point.
repackrider: Carolyn Wolf shows the scale of the twisted anticline.
repackrider: Fossilized llama footprint
repackrider: Fossilized cat footprints
repackrider: Ocotillo and barrel cacti.
repackrider: Desert in bloom
repackrider: Desert Lily
repackrider: T Rex mama
repackrider: T Rex Baby
repackrider: T Rex Baby
repackrider: Barrel cactus. Do not pick the flowers.
repackrider: Barrel Cactus
repackrider: Calico Cactus also called Hedgehog Cactus
repackrider: "Teddy Bear Cholla" is not as fuzzy as the name suggests.
repackrider: Beaver Tail Cactus, a mini Prickly Pear.
repackrider: Beaver Tail Cactus
repackrider: Fishhook Cactus, also called Strawberry Cactus
repackrider: Cactus skeleton
repackrider: A tiny Barrel Cactus
repackrider: Jim Kelly
repackrider: Marty and Gary both had Boulder Bikes.
repackrider: Boulder Bike