holtw50: javelina
holtw50: javelina
holtw50: bobcat
holtw50: elk playing
holtw50: coyote
holtw50: bear cub
holtw50: A couple of bears
holtw50: bobcat
holtw50: cows fighting
holtw50: coyotes 1
holtw50: elk herd
holtw50: Bats leaving the roost
holtw50: javelina
holtw50: coyote in yard
holtw50: Yard cam 1
holtw50: buck
holtw50: coyote video
holtw50: pack rat video
holtw50: capture
holtw50: TC roadrunner calling
holtw50: coyote on rocks
holtw50: bobcat and coyote
holtw50: Young Coyotes
holtw50: Coyote – Canis latrans
holtw50: Mt Lion
holtw50: mt lion