holtw50: Drake Greenwing Teal
holtw50: Pintail
holtw50: Goose in flight
holtw50: Swans and Geese
holtw50: Canada Goose
holtw50: Drake Wood Duck
holtw50: Canada Geese
holtw50: Northern Shoveler
holtw50: Hooded Merganzer
holtw50: Drake Wood Duck
holtw50: Ah that morning stretch
holtw50: Hooded Merganser
holtw50: Hooded Merganser
holtw50: White fronted geese
holtw50: Northern Shoveler
holtw50: Hooded Merganser
holtw50: Hooded Merganser
holtw50: Hen Hooded Merganser
holtw50: Goose and Gosling
holtw50: Canada Gosling
holtw50: Canada Gosling
holtw50: a pair of wood ducks
holtw50: Swans
holtw50: Ring-necked Duck
holtw50: Ring-necked Duck
holtw50: Mallard – Anas platyrhynchos
holtw50: Mallard – Anas platyrhynchos
holtw50: Wood duck – Aix sponsa