monte stinnett: Snowy Plover
monte stinnett: Black oystercatcher
monte stinnett: Hey shorty, what ya got there?
monte stinnett: Spotted sandpiper on the hunt
monte stinnett: Black turnstone
monte stinnett: semi palmated plover
monte stinnett: Black turnstone
monte stinnett: Black turnstone
monte stinnett: Sanderling
monte stinnett: Black oystercatcher with a sea anenome
monte stinnett: He went that way
monte stinnett: American avocet and chick
monte stinnett: Reddish egret
monte stinnett: SANDERLING
monte stinnett: Sanderling
monte stinnett: Sanderling
monte stinnett: Long billed dowitcher
monte stinnett: Greater yellow legs
monte stinnett: wilson's snipe
monte stinnett: Avocet chick
monte stinnett: Black-necked stilt
monte stinnett: Wilson's Phalarope
monte stinnett: Semi-palmated plover
monte stinnett: Black necked stilt
monte stinnett: black neck stilts
monte stinnett: Black necked stilts
monte stinnett: Least Sandpiper
monte stinnett: Who's your daddy
monte stinnett: Territorial dispute