irvo.: Oeps, where's mine??
irvo.: Just looking up..........
irvo.: Enjoying a peaceful sunday.....
irvo.: Youth drummer group!!
irvo.: Rotonde, roundabout Heerlen
irvo.: Great feathers
irvo.: Admiring the sun/ last one Ulrike ;-)
irvo.: Looking up
irvo.: The stone photographer
irvo.: Time for a shower ;-)
irvo.: Art in Heerlen
irvo.: Old but still used...........
irvo.: Castleruïn Schaesberg, Holland
irvo.: I had to share this, Snowwhite, the Prince and........
irvo.: Brass band, carnival parade
irvo.: Foot group, accompanying, the float
irvo.: The Janssenmill, sideview.
irvo.: St. Dionysiusc Church in Schinnen, the Netherlands
irvo.: Tall........she is close to 6 feet!!
irvo.: For Madge, the Janssenmill, in Oirsbeek.
irvo.: Octopussy???? De Druppel, a drop of water.
irvo.: The stairs, up to the Leenderchapel
irvo.: St. Barbara chapel, special request
irvo.: Smile!!!
irvo.: Opposite window, coal-miner's lamp
irvo.: Design window inside view
irvo.: Inside the chapel, statue of St.Barbara, the patron saint of the coleminers
irvo.: Remembrance chapel for the coleminers in Limburg
irvo.: Street musician in Aachen
irvo.: Aachener Dom