George in Prague: On the boat the first evening
George in Prague: Closeup of sunset reflection
George in Prague: Sunset across the lake
George in Prague: Sunset Ripples
George in Prague: First night sunset
George in Prague: The setting sun the first night
George in Prague: Closeup of the clouds
George in Prague: Behind the trees
George in Prague: Zooming out
George in Prague: The sun has set
George in Prague: Clouds at sunset
George in Prague: Island in Lake Murray
George in Prague: Peaceful morning lake waters
George in Prague: Morning clouds
George in Prague: Across the lake from the house
George in Prague: Sunrise on day two
George in Prague: Early morning cirrus clouds
George in Prague: Feathers on the water
George in Prague: Sunset from across the lake
George in Prague: Sunset the second night
George in Prague: Purple martins flocking to an island in the lake
George in Prague: Birds in the sunset
George in Prague: The purple martins' island
George in Prague: Purple martin in flight
George in Prague: Waves of purple martins coming in to roost
George in Prague: Sun rays at sunset
George in Prague: Clouds at dusk
George in Prague: Straggling purple martins on way to island to roost
George in Prague: Sun setting on second night
George in Prague: Sunrise on Lake Murray