George in Prague: Light of the full moon in the coastal river
George in Prague: Lone fisherman on the rocks
George in Prague: Brown pelicans sunning on the rocks at Sebastian Inlet State Park
George in Prague: Three brown pelicans on a handrail
George in Prague: Snowy egret sunning on the rocks at Sebastian Inlet State Park
George in Prague: Seagulls and black skimmers by the rough sea
George in Prague: Seagulls and black skimmers along the windy beach
George in Prague: Surf on a windy day
George in Prague: Ruddy Turnstone on the beach
George in Prague: Sanderling in the sun
George in Prague: Ruddy Turnstones hiding from the sandy wind
George in Prague: The beach along the outer islands
George in Prague: East coast dune sunflowers blooming along the beach
George in Prague: Colors of the ocean water and river water mixing in the intercoastal waterway near Sebastian Inlet State Park
George in Prague: Seagull walking the beach
George in Prague: Jacaranda tree on Hamilton's property
George in Prague: Bottlebrush tree (Callistemon) on Hamilton's property
George in Prague: Clearing at a nearby nature preserve
George in Prague: Florida scrub jay in the scrub
George in Prague: Strange fungus on the ground within the nature preserve
George in Prague: Lake reflections inside the local nature preserve
George in Prague: Lake within the nature preserve
George in Prague: Plumbago in Hamilton's garden
George in Prague: Jacaranda tree blossoms on Hamilton's property