George in Prague: Spanish moss on trees near the entrance
George in Prague: Great egret
George in Prague: Woodstork
George in Prague: Common gallinule
George in Prague: Woodstork in the marsh grasses
George in Prague: Great blue heron crossing a stream
George in Prague: Great blue heron
George in Prague: Limpkin in the wetland foliage
George in Prague: Limpkin wading through the water
George in Prague: Bulrushes in the park
George in Prague: Woodstork in flight
George in Prague: The lovely landscape in Sweetwater Park
George in Prague: Group of woodstorks
George in Prague: Great blue heron by the water
George in Prague: Intense green and blue within the brown grasses
George in Prague: Coots "flotilla" on the water
George in Prague: Double-crested cormorant
George in Prague: White water bird in the grasses
George in Prague: Turkey vultures
George in Prague: Great blue heron wading along the water's edge
George in Prague: Woodstork grazing in the water
George in Prague: Variety of water plants along the water's edge
George in Prague: Limpkin in the evening light
George in Prague: Wild horse running on the path
George in Prague: Two river cooter turtles sunning on a log
George in Prague: Woodstork in the evening light
George in Prague: Water birds among the duck weed
George in Prague: Wild Spanish horse running through the park
George in Prague: Woodstork feeding in the duck weed
George in Prague: Great egrete