George in Prague: Top of the school facade across from Jiráskovy sady
George in Prague: Looking up at the eaves of the school across from Jiráskovy sady
George in Prague: Detail below the eave on the school across from Jiráskovy sady
George in Prague: White crocuses in the sun
George in Prague: Interior of a magnolia blossom in náměstí Generála Kutlvašra
George in Prague: Saucer magnolias in full bloom in Jiráskovy sady at náměstí Generála Kutlvašra
George in Prague: Top of the municipal house in Nusle next to Jiráskovy sady
George in Prague: Saucer magnolia in Jiráskovy sady
George in Prague: Saucer magnolia in Jiráskovy sady
George in Prague: Saucer magnolia tree blooming in Jiráskovy sady
George in Prague: Saucer magnolia in Jiráskovy sady
George in Prague: Saucer magnolia in Jiráskovy sady
George in Prague: Closeup of saucer magnolia blossoms in Jiráskovy sady
George in Prague: Saucer magnolia framing the municipal house next to Jiráskovy sady
George in Prague: Cherry buds in Jiráskovy sady
George in Prague: Apple blossom
George in Prague: Saucer magnolia framing the municipal house next to Jiráskovy sady
George in Prague: Cherry Blossoms each with a profussion of petals
George in Prague: Crabapple tree in bloom
George in Prague: Trunk of a crabapple tree in
George in Prague: Profussion of crabapple blossoms
George in Prague: Crabapple blossoms up close
George in Prague: Three stages of crabapple blossoms
George in Prague: Profusion of cherry blossoms
George in Prague: Cherry blossoms hanging in front of a crabapple tree in bloom
George in Prague: Crabapple blooming in park
George in Prague: Cherry Blossoms up close in Jiráskovy sady in Nusle, Prague
George in Prague: Trees blooming near the municipal house in Nusle
George in Prague: Lilacs and Laburnum