George in Prague: The Vltava River as it leaves the mountains
George in Prague: Deciduous trees surrounded by evergreens
George in Prague: A grove of birch in the forest near Boubín
George in Prague: Mountains holding back the clouds
George in Prague: Spruce cones near the Boubín old-growth forest
George in Prague: Stream along the path to the forest
George in Prague: Thick moss among the spruce, beech and birch in Boubín
George in Prague: Inside the forest in Boubin
George in Prague: Beech tree in the forest
George in Prague: Reflections in the small lake
George in Prague: Calm waters of the small lake next to the old-growth forest of Boubín
George in Prague: Stream through the forest
George in Prague: Old spruce log from a tree over 250 years old
George in Prague: Tree with "stilts" (above ground roots) from when the tree started as a sapling on a fallen trunk
George in Prague: Moss-covered bracket fungi
George in Prague: Large bracket fungi in the forest
George in Prague: Remnants of a fallen tree
George in Prague: Trees around a clearing
George in Prague: The forest floor
George in Prague: Protective fence around the old-growth forest of Boubin
George in Prague: Cow parsley along the path
George in Prague: A covered spring in the Boubin area