George in Prague:
Roof detail atop structures on the ends of the Bridge of Legions
George in Prague:
Face on Porch Support
George in Prague:
Mascaron near the Cafe Savoy in Malá Strana
George in Prague:
Door to complex near the Maltese Square in Malá Strana
George in Prague:
Graffiti on wall along stairs below the metronome
George in Prague:
Vailed keystone face (mascaron) on the Lapidarium
George in Prague:
Faces of Czech Legions on the old Legions Bank
George in Prague:
Human face as springer for portal arch
George in Prague:
Art Nouveau face under a balcony in Palmovka
George in Prague:
Face peeking through the curtains on a keystone on front of the new town hall at Mariánské Náměstí
George in Prague:
Face of Mercury
George in Prague:
Face grouping on Building in Josefov
George in Prague:
Plaque to Albert Einstein on House at the Stone Ram
George in Prague:
Mascaron of Mercury in Smíchov
George in Prague:
Male face inside Národní Divadlo
George in Prague:
Art Nouveau face across from government buildings
George in Prague:
Male face mascaron near government buildings
George in Prague:
Under a window along Ovocný Trh - the old fruit market in Old Town
George in Prague:
Keystone face along Ovocný Trh
George in Prague:
Mascaron above doorway in Old Town
George in Prague:
Art Nouveau mascaron
George in Prague:
Communist Era faces
George in Prague:
Funny face on western front of Sts. Peter and Paul at Vyšehrad
George in Prague:
Golden face by Plečnik above building entrance at Prague Castle
George in Prague:
Faces on the sculptural grouping by Jana Kneschke to one side of the complex of statues at Palackého Náměstí
George in Prague:
Golden face and Christmas wreath in Pasáž Lucerna
George in Prague:
Sun on keystone above alcove in Vojanovy Garden
George in Prague:
Detail on school in Vinohrady
George in Prague:
Face on building in Vinohrady Park
George in Prague:
Building detail near Náměstí Miru